Rehabilitation for Runners & Sport
CourseHow to Rehabilitate Runners & Other Athletes after Injury, Surgery & Movement Dysfunction. Learn rehabilitation protocols for each injury.
Biomechanics of Running: Analysis & Re-Education ONLINE
CourseLearn the invaluable skill of analysing running biomechanics and identifying inefficient running patterns that can lead to injury. This course will teach you the practitioner, how to identify movement patterns in running that contribute to injury.
Biomechanics of Running: Analysis & Re-Education (IN-PERSON)
CourseLearn the invaluable skill of analysing running biomechanics and identifying inefficient running patterns that can lead to injury. This course will teach you the practitioner, how to identify movement patterns in running that contribute to injury.
Certified Running Technique Specialist (CRTS)
CourseBecome an expert at analyzing and re-educating running technique. Learn The Running School® Method and become a TRS Certified Running Technique Specialist.
Movement Re-Patterning for Rehabilitation (In-Person)
CourseThis unique and functional approach to rehabilitation focuses on re-educating movement patterns interrupted after injury, surgery, or inactivity. Learn a series of functional techniques that can be used immediately upon returning to your practice.
Dynamic Movement Skills - Kids Movement Coach
CourseBecome a Certified DMS Speed Coach. Learn to train the Nervous System and Proprioceptive System to move more efficiently and to move faster.